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Editorial Features & Brand Mentions


High End Editorial Features & Brand Mentions


Are you looking to increase your brand awareness through mentions or features on high metric publications? We have a solution for you. We have hundreds of connections to get you or your company featured on some of the biggest websites on the Internet.

Benefits of our Editorial Link Service

How it Works

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is this Whitehat and most importantly safe?

A: Absolutely. These links are on some of the biggest websites in the world. The search engines love these types of links and from a brand standpoint, there is no better way to getting instant credibility.

Q: What Types of Anchor Text do you Use?

A: Always brand mentions. The only exception would be if we linked to a particular blog post as some publications will no longer link to homepages.

Q: How do I know my business will qualify?

A: Obviously you or your company have to be real and legitimate. We do not accept spammy or shady niches (pharma, gambling, porn, etc…)

Q: What type of websites do you have access too?

A: Sites like Forbes,,,,, New York Times, and hundreds more. Almost all of our sites have at least 10 million+ visitors per month. These are legitimate authority websites online.

Q: How much does each link cost?

A: Prices can range from $800 upwards to $20,000 depending on the publication. Generally you will be in the range of $1500 to $5,000 per feature and $800 to $3,000 per brand mention (usually a CEO quote). We can pretty much beat anyone’s price online. There are some companies selling these very same links for $10,000+

Q: What is the typical turn around time?

A: The posting process can take from 4 to 25 business days, depending on the site you choose. Business days are from Monday to Friday.


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