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Services: Social Media Management

Leveraging social media marketing is just plain smart if you’re a small business on a budget. How else can you reach thousands of customers and prospects all over the globe without zero advertising costs?
But this new way of marketing can be overwhelming, frustrating, and downright confusing. To get you started, here are some of the most common questions my clients ask me about social media marketing:

Which sites are essential for social media marketing?
Twitter, Facebook, Youtube & LinkedIn are the sites with the most traffic. Remember though, you don't need to utilize every one of these tools but it's good to at least setup a profile on them and link to them from your site and to your site. Not only does this tell the search engines that you are actively engaging in the social media platforms,. but it also gives you quality links.

Twitter and Facebook Marketing

Is social media marketing useful for every business?
Any business that has customers that use the internet should have social media marketing. You're seeing some of the biggest companies in the world start to utilize this feature. If your business primarily serves people that don't use the internet or toddlers then maybe it isn't for you!

Does social media marketing really work?
Yes! “Social media” is a term that just encompasses new ways of talking to prospects and clients online. And talking to people is always an effective way to market your business!

Why Should I Hire Best SEO Firm for my Social Media Marketing?


Create Social Media Branding Package w/Your Logo, (Custom Profile Icons, Background, etc.)
Setup & Optimize Business Facebook Fan Page
Create Custom Facebook “Reveal” Landing Page w/Offer Incentive to Promote “Likes”
Setup & Optimize Twitter Account/Profile
Setup & Optimize Google+ Account
Setup & Optimize LinkedIn Company Page
Setup & Optimize Youtube Account
Youtube Videos 1 Video Per Month 1 Video Per Week
Create Original, Audience/Industry Relevant Status Updates on All Social Media Sites
Audience Interactions/Responses: Respond to Fan/Follower Questions/Comment & Forward
Monthly Reports
Monthly Facebook Post and Tweets 75-80 240-250 Concierge
Monthly Twitter Interactions 120-150
Facebook Engagement Daily Daily Daily
Set Up Fee**
(Setup fee only charged if accounts are not registered / setup.)
One Time
One Time
One Time

We also manage Vine, Pinterest, and Instagram. If you need a custom solution please call us!


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